Travels through Time & Space
Whale Dancers - 2015
36" x 48"
Going Home - 2015
36" x 24"
Travels through Time & Space, 2015
While exploring our senses, I was adamant that
they are the only paths to knowledge.
But whether awake or dreaming, day or night,
conscious, unconscious or subconscious.
There is the tuning into other lives,
other ways of living with the earth.
Knowledge not gleaned from schools, books or films.
A trajectory of impulses, actions, dances and dreams,
culminated in photographs of my life, awake and dreaming.
Images discovered and then revealed, taken before my mother’s birth.
Now sacrificed to snow and cold.
Whale Dancers ...detail
Going Home 2015
- black iron oxide, china marker
- plaster and wood
Photographs by Alan Bibby
Whale Dancers 2015
- black iron oxide, china marker
- plaster and wood